Argumentative Essay on Abortion

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The right to choose whether or not to harm an unborn child cannot be justified constitutionally or morally. There is no one who has been given the authority to end the life of another human being.
Abortions, whether attempted or completed, are a significant source of women’s violence.
Abortion victims, especially those who are coerced to have abortions, risk serious health complications and are vulnerable to diseases.
Physical assaults and rape committed by pro-abortionists are a major cause of life-threatening situations. An action immorally intended to destroy another life is a serious offense under the law

Immortality of the soul reveals that the act of terminating a pregnancy has no significant difference with killing a person that is already born

Offenders should face charges of murder or involuntary manslaughter

It is on these grounds that pro-lifers consider abortionists as murderers. As a result, they should be subjected to similar punishments according to the law

Arguments against the pro-life option

Pro-life argument has little consideration for the rights of women who resort to abortion due to health complications

The pro-choice and anti-abortion limits conception as separate from pregnancy

Methods employed to prevent fertilization cannot be considered as part of abortion.

The government should not have control over women’s rights to control their bodies in the pretext of protecting the fetus


Pro-life advocates for the integrity of both the pregnant woman as well as the unborn child

Having the freedom to choose whether or not an unborn person is to be killed is not a right which can be legally or morally justified. There is no individual who has been granted the right to wipe out the life of another human.

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Argumentative Essay on Abortion


Defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, abortion is a controversial reproductive and health issue that has received widespread debate. Most of the arguments revolve around social concerns of life, religious orientation, and the quest for justice. There are significant variations on the definition of human life from government and theological perspective. For instance, theologians believe that life begins at conception, quickening, or birth. The topic of the sanctity of life and the concept of the existence of the immortal soul are contrary to the scientific approaches as well as secular government policies which mainly focus on the second trimester of a pregnancy. Pro-life organizations argue that there is need to preserve human life which is a government obligation. In their view, the fetus is a life (Tatalovich 28). Having the freedom to choose whether or not an unborn person is to be killed is not a right which can be legally or morally justified. There is no individual who has been granted the right to wipe out the life of another human.

Arguments against Abortion

The central argument for pro-life organizations is based on the idealism to criminalize abortion due to the sanctity of life. Women are continually being forced to abort around the world, and most incidents are not reported. Abortion is an injustice to the unborn child as well as the mother although it depends on the circumstance leading to the decision to abort. In this case, pro-lifers’ main goal is to protect life and ensure that justice prevails. Pro-abortion camps reportedly abuse the rights of women and in their quest to terminate a pregnancy. For instance, the reply that Rosa Acuna received when she asked the abortionist whether she was carrying a baby was “Don’t be stupid! It’s just a blob of tissue”. They disregard the life of an unborn child. It implies that the abortionist has the right to terminate the life of the fetus depending on with the situation at hand. Moreover, illegal abortion is an act that should be punishable by law. Lead pro-lifers should support the government in banning abortion (Nelson 64).

Additionally, several cases of attempted or actualized abortions that are reported to the Supreme Court are the causes of the abuse of women. The Population Research Institute noted several incidents of physical assaults on pregnant women who are being forced by their husbands to terminate pregnancies. A case in point is that of one Dr. Stephen, who stabbed a woman he had impregnated with a hypodermic needle, an abortion-causing drug after physically assaulting her in a hospital parking lot. Similarly, Alabama security guards beat female juvenile detainees and caused them to abort after forcefully having sex with them. Most of the cases pointed to other forms of abuse and life-threatening actions such as hiring gangs to beat up those who try to resist abortion as well as job termination among others. In all these cases, abortion subjected the pregnant women to dehumanizing acts which are not acceptable (Mason 33).

Most of the incidences remain unreported due to further security issues as well as fear of laws protecting the perpetrators. The effects of the stated instances and other unreported cases among women involve both psychological and physical outcomes. Victims of abortion especially in forced situations face significant health complications and are vulnerable to diseases. The issue of Jane Roe II represents several cases when victims of abortion suffer as a result of the procedure. Moreover, physical assaults and rape also widely reported among pro-abortionists are a major cause of life-threatening diseases. Based on the above scenarios, abortion has not promoted justice for women in any sense. Instead, most of the occurrences of abuse and injustice to women occur due to the government failure to protect the life of unborn children and pregnant women through its policies (Mason 34).

Pro-lifers are also concerned with the sanctity of life as an important virtue that a person must uphold. In their view, life begins at conception which is the first step of pregnancy. Religious views support this argument, notably the Roman Catholic Church, which claims that conception is an essential part of human being. It implies that the process leading to the birth of a child is sacred. Therefore, no one, including the woman carrying the pregnancy has the right to terminate the fetus. Gingrich, a Catholic points out that “unborn life is precious no matter the way it has been conceived.” His arguments form part of the widely advocated issue regarding the sanctity of human life. The desire to criminalize abortion on such terms rises from the fact that every action that is immorally intended to destroy another life is a serious offense under the law. It calls for the government to protect the unborn children by formulating and implementing policies against abortion. Further reasoning on the immortality of the soul reveals that the act of terminating a pregnancy has no significant difference with killing a person that is already born. It implies that the offenders should face charges of murder or involuntary manslaughter (Ganatra 13).

Pro-lifers consider the various forms of contraception as having a similar intent to abortion. In this case, there is a need for moral commitment to life in its earliest stages. The scientific approaches to the concept of abortion lack emotional and social attachments that are advanced in these arguments. Scholars agree that criminalization of terminating a pregnancy is advocated as the primary policy response among the pro-lifers. It has achieved minimal outcomes in preventing abortion though it indicates the government’s willingness to uphold the dignity of the unborn child and the integrity of life. Moreover, it promotes the access to justice among women who face assault due to confidence that would stem from pro-abortion or pro-choice camps. As a result, those who are subjected to dehumanizing acts such as beating, threats, and health risks resulting from the pursuit of abortion stand a better chance of accessing justice. The prevalent perception among pro-lifers is that pregnancy termination is based on the choice to end the fetus life without consideration of its right to life. Therefore, instituting policies and laws against such actions is consistent with other regulations that are intended to uphold the value of life. It is on these grounds that pro-lifers consider abortionists as murderers. As a result, they should be subjected to similar punishments according to the law (Ojanen 275).

Arguments in Support of Abortion

The stated arguments overlook critical aspects regarding the subject of abortion. First, there is little consideration for the rights of women who resort to abortion due to health complications. It should be noted that the Obama administration’s promotion of reproductive health endorsed abortion. In a committee meeting, Hillary Clinton stated that “We should think about family planning as an integral part of women’s health and reproductive health which includes access to abortion that she believes should be safe and legal.” It reflects that termination of pregnancy is a medical issue that is mainly intended to save a pregnant woman’s life who is in danger because of the pregnancy complications. Additionally, the pro-choice and anti-abortion limits view the concept of conception as mostly separate from pregnancy. It implies that methods employed to prevent fertilization cannot be considered as part of abortion. Moreover, the government should not have control over women rights to control their bodies in the pretext of protecting the fetus (Tatalovich 77).


From an intellectual point of view, pro-life advocates for the integrity of both the pregnant woman as well as the unborn child. The concerns are considerably impartial as in the case of pro-choice and pro-abortion camps. Most of the contradictory aspects fail to place importance and value on human life, an approach that is advanced by the opponents. The obligation to protect the rights of women and children is expressly captured in the pro-life arguments concerning its sacredness and sanctity. All in all, having the freedom to choose whether or not an unborn person is to be killed is not a right which can be legally or morally justified. There is no individual who has been granted the right to wipe out the life of another human.

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Works Cited

Ganatra, Bela, et al. “Global, regional, and subregional classification of abortions by safety, 2010–14: estimates from a Bayesian hierarchical model.” The Lancet (2017).

Mason, Alpheus Thomas, and Grier Stephenson. American constitutional law: introductory essays and selected cases. Routledge, 2015.

Nelson, Thomas K. ”Emergency Life Prevention.” Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Vol. 91. No. 12. Elsevier, 2016.

Ojanen-Goldsmith, A. R., and M. Dutton-Kenny. ”Beyond the clinic: characteristics and experiences of community-based abortion providers, facilitators, and counselors outside the formal health care system in North America.” Contraception 96.4 (2017): 275.

Tatalovich, Warren. The politics of abortion in the United States and Canada: A comparative study. Routledge, 2015.

July 24, 2021
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Pro Life Abortion Freedom

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