An Entrepreneurial Advice

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The video’s suggestion by Virgin Business founder Richard Branson

The video’s suggestion by Virgin Business founder Richard Branson is the entrepreneurial business concept I found most appealing. According to Richard Branson’s theory, a leader of people must be excellent at both listening to others and motivating them because a firm is all about its employees. Additionally, Branson makes it clear in the film that a leader must love others and see the best in them because, like flowers, people grow and produce more when they are treated well. The advice is significant to me because of the content of the words that are used in it which are encouraging and motivating. I believe that the advice can go a long way in helping individuals who want to be entrepreneurs to succeed in their various business endeavors.

The advice that has been given by Richard Branson

The advice that has been given by Richard Branson is critical to me because it speaks to the inner me that wants to succeed in the world of business as a leader who inspires many people. The first aspect of the advice that has captivated me is the concept of a company being based on people. I think this is the best part of the advice that captivates the mind of the listener. I concur with the advice that has been given regarding a company being based on people. It is an assertion that has also been shared by Korschun, Bhattacharya, and Swain (2014) who have indicated that a business has to succeed if it has the right people who together forms a company because they believe and share the same ideas.

The concept of being an inspiration and also being a good listener

The second aspect of the advice that has captivated me is the concept of being an inspiration and also being a good listener. I already knew that a good leader is the one who listens to the people that they are leading and provides inspiration. However, based on how Richard Branson has put it in the video, I believe that this is a paramount trait that leaders are supposed to have to succeed in the world of business. It is an idea that has been reinforced by Phillips (2015) who indicates that the success of any business depends on the inspiration that the employees draw from their leader, which is sometimes based on the leader being an active listener to get more information about the employees and in turn motivate them. Also, I think that the advice is significantly based on the fact that when a leader is keen on listening to the needs of the employees and other people that they lead, it goes a long way in ensuring that they are aware of the importance that they hold to the leader. Thus, improving their productivity which has been indicated by Graves, Sarkis, and Zhu (2013).

Caring for the people because they are like flowers

The last part of the advice about caring for the people because they are like flowers is significant because I believe that if a leader wants to succeed, then they should show care for the individuals whom they lead and work with. The advice by Branson indicates that a leader should ensure that they get the best out of the people whom they work with and lead. Through looking for the best in people, it makes them be motivated as they know that their inputs are valued, and thus they ensure that there is the success of the business as indicated by Dachs and Peters (2014). From the entrepreneurial advice, I have reflected on the issue, and I think that if people are highly valued and are encouraged to do their very best, such as being allowed to be innovative, then they tend to flourish which positively affects the business. Hence, I think that Richard Branson has made a significant contribution regarding the value that leaders should give employees for the success of the employees and the leader in general.

The advice given by Richard Branson has some components that I already knew

The advice given by Richard Branson has some components that I already knew. The notion of a leader is a good listener and inspiring a concept that I have read before in an article written by Gu, Tang and Jiang (2015) concerning the qualities that good leaders have within various organizations. Despite knowing the information before, I still think that it is a significant aspect and it has real value to people who are watching the video to get motivated on how they can achieve success as aspiring entrepreneurs. Overall, in the video, there are other individuals who have been featured who have offered important entrepreneurial advice that might help other people. I credit their contributions even though I have not considered their advice as being superior to the one that has been offered by Richard Branson. Therefore, in conclusion, the video is great, and Richard Branson has offered the best entrepreneurial advice.


Dachs, B., & Peters, B. (2014). Innovation, employment growth, and foreign ownership of firms: A European perspective. Research Policy, 43(1), 214-232.

Graves, L. M., Sarkis, J., & Zhu, Q. (2013). How transformational leadership and employee motivation combine to predict employee proenvironmental behaviors in China. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 35, 81-91.

Gu, Q., Tang, T. L. P., & Jiang, W. (2015). Does moral leadership enhance employee creativity? Employee identification with leader and leader-member exchange (LMX) in the Chinese context. Journal of Business Ethics, 126(3), 513-529.

Korschun, D., Bhattacharya, C. B., & Swain, S. D. (2014). Corporate social responsibility, customer orientation, and the job performance of frontline employees. Journal of Marketing, 78(3), 20-37.

Phillips, L. D. (2015). Empowerment and Coworker Response to Leader Tactic and Organizational Hope. Emerging Leadership Journeys, 8(1), 22-45.

March 02, 2023

Science Life Psychology

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Theory Leader Motivation

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