All About Abortion

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Abortion-related articles have been written, some of which are pessimistic and others of which are positive. Before contemplating the plethora of research that has been conducted on this subject, it is necessary to first understand what an abortion is. Abortion is the surgical termination of a fetus. There will be an in-depth discussion of the study that has been conducted over time on the implications of abortion and the controversy that surrounds this subject.

When a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, she is taking action to end the life of a live infant. As a result, she, according to, goes through the process of mourning for the loss of their infant, whom they held inside their womb. However, he is quick to point out that the reaction of postnatal abortion is delayed and they only discover that they have been affected after some time has passed (Readon).

The decision to take on an elective abortion affects a woman psychologically because she carries the baby as a burden, and when it is lifted, she does not enjoy the relief that she thinks will come with the procedure. Instead, regrets and memories of the physical pain that her body was subjected to during the onslaught of the medical procedure replace the relief. On the other hand, since society is not very forgiving on such matters, she has to carry this pain in silence least she is ostracized, and judgment passed on her. Therefore, the woman suffers psychological distress due to her actions and yet she cannot find respite in the community she belongs. She walks with her head held high and a smile on her face as if the abortion did not happen and the psychological pain increases the more she takes on denial as her refuge.

With the realization of the act that an individual has taken in terminating a life, the woman is filled with hate, self-loathe, and may even slip into depression. This becomes more pronounced if the woman in question is not able to get someone to talk to freely and express their grief without being judged. The repressed grief becomes like an internal ulcer which people do not see, but she feels the pain within and yet no one can reach out and help her because they are unaware.

Women have the right to have babies when they are ready, and they should not be forced to keep unplanned pregnancies. It is true that women have the right to decide when they want to carry a pregnancy but if they find themselves in the dilemma of an unplanned pregnancy, they are faced with a tough choice on whether to keep it or not. The decision may be made depending on the viewpoint that the woman may be approaching this scenario.

There is the social point of it all where a woman will take into consideration what the society would think of her if she were to terminate a pregnancy. Then there are the religious implications that frown on abortion. Although abortion is widely accepted in the U.S as a means of birth control, various religious factions are not very accommodating for these procedures. However, there cannot be laws that are made and passed following religious beliefs, but the rules that prohibit against murder do not specify whether procuring an abortion is covered as murder. Therefore, killing comes out as illegal, and abortion is measured in its level and sense of morality (Johansen). The moral choice versus right is a controversial and emotional debate where the question of turning a morally wrong thing into an illegal act can happen.

Abortion may appear as the more comfortable choice to make for any woman carrying an unplanned for pregnancy. However, according to research, this option is associated with many medical and psychological risks. The physical risks that are associated with induced abortion are ectopic pregnancies, pelvic inflammatory disease, and endometriosis (Research on Post-Abortion Complications Chapter 1). These complications may be further compounded to become a severe issue when psychological issues arise whereby the woman suffers mental problems. There is a possible link of abortion to breast cancer although more research needs to be carried out in this area.

The abortion services that are given in the U.S are efficient and safer compared to other countries. According to a study carried out in the recent past in the U.S, one in every six women suffered physical complications after procuring an abortion, which amounts to 17 percent. However, in other countries, the procedures can be profoundly unsafe and thus expose the women to physical complications.

On the other hand, abortion may seem like the safer way to go because statistics have indicated that the risk of deaths during childbirth is 14 times over those that are associated with abortion. Unfortunately, no substantial literature or scientific facts supporting this statement are available (Freiburger). There is another twist to the abortion scenario because there is no tally for the abortion-associated deaths, which occur in suicides or due to complications.

Therefore, it means that the actual mortality rate indirectly and directly linked to abortion is not accounted for in totality. Thus, whereas we may follow on the idea that abortion is safer compared to childbirth, there should be the consideration of the mortalities that occur after the abortion due to the complications that arise, which go unaccounted. Apart from the physical complications that occur after procuring an abortion, the mental health problems that are associated with it cannot be ignored. According to Dr. Priscilla Coleman an American researcher, women who have undergone an abortion face an increased risk of mental health complications.

According to this study, abortion was found to account for one in ten of the severe cases of mental health problems. It has also been linked to anxiety disorders up to 34 percent with an increased possibility of depression, drug abuse, and suicides. The study goes on to suggest that women planning to take on the abortion procedures need to be counseled and explained to about the dangers that come with it before the abortion. The research carried out herewith concludes that 81 percent of women who had undergone an abortion are at higher risk of mental health issues.


Although the actual fatalities and complications resulting in deaths that are linked to abortion may not be given to the exact number, there is no doubt that the effects are adverse and far-reaching. The choice to have an abortion may seem like the more natural way out, but the risks associated with it should serve to deter one from such drastic measures. Studies that have been carried out in the past are enough evidence of the need to reevaluate the abortion decision.

Works Cited

Ertelt, Steven. “Abortion Increases Risk Of Women’s Mental Health Problems 81% | Lifenews.Com.” N.p., 2011. Web. 25 Oct. 2017.

Freiburger, Calvin. ”Peer-Reviewed Study: Abortion Is Not Safer For Women than Childbirth | Lifenews.Com.” N.p., 2013. Web. 25 Oct. 2017.

Johansen, Jay. ”Abortion: Mixing Religion and Politics.” N.p., 2003. Web. 25 Oct. 2017.

Reardon, David C. ”Flaws in Post-Abortion Research | Project Rachel - Hopeafterabortion.Org.” Web. 25 Oct. 2017.

Research on Post-Abortion Complications. Web. 25 Oct. 2017.

November 03, 2022

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