Al Smith Dinner 2015- president obama

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The then-president of the United States wanted to let the audience and the whole country know that he was prepared to perform better in the upcoming discussion than he had in the one before. A political event frequently necessitates the need to both grow your current following and capture the audience’s interest. It was a political event, and the speaker gave the audience a 10-minute address. The speech, however, singled out one person in the crowd, showing a bias towards the ability of the other politicians there. The selection of this speech is to offer an ideal interpretation of disunity in a political office and a person’s ideology.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Speaker

The speaker demonstrates aspects of confidence, self-expression, voice modulations, and painting a picture through storytelling. For example, the context of confidence can be observed in the way that he addresses the public. Additionally, few incidences of fear can be seen in the speaker as he presents his speech to the attendants of the occasion. The majority of the minutes in the speech was directed at pointing out the level of preparedness for the upcoming debate. Similarly, the speaker used different variations of tone and volume with the pretext of showing the weight of certain words in his speech. For example, at the beginning of the speech, the word “thank you” was used to show the level of respect that he has for the people attending the occasion and appreciation to all dignitaries in attendance.

The speaker had a better way of arranging the words that he was to use in the speech. For example, the speech elaborates the six-part structure that he often uses when communicating to a huge audience. The viewer can then observe the parts of;

Thank you



Address to the pessimists

Speech concerning his life

Honors the efforts of the organizers

The sections, therefore, demonstrates the sound structure that he used in presenting his speech to the audience in attendance.

On the other hand, some aspects of weaknesses can be observed with the speaker’s presentation. There was little use of notes by the speaker with the pronunciation of certain words proving a strain to understand. To a larger extent, someone may need to listen to the speech more than once to pick out every word that is being uttered in the speech. If an individual is offered a chance to present a transcript of the speech, it will prove a struggle to pick up the words at first utterance. For example, at the 6th minute 30 seconds of the speech, the speaker doesn’t provide the clear pronunciation of the phrase used.

Secondly, and aspect of control is hardly visible in the background as one of the guests is continuously laughing, which can then be considered as a barrier to effective communication. A particular group in the audience may have missed some parts of the speech due to the loud laugh from a single person seated next to the podium. The speaker would have then used some words that would reduce any levels of interruptions from the audience. It would then help the entire group receive the message that he wanted to pass during the occasion.


The analysis provides an understanding of the atmosphere that the then president of the United States offered on the occasion. The most important points in the study include the presentation of the speech by the speaker and his failure to moderate the level of excitement in the audience. However, the speech was a success with the majority of the attendant having the chance to listen to the entire speech. However, interruptions from certain members left a section of the members not receiving the entire message.

March 10, 2023
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