Afghanistan and Central Asia

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The Escalating Instability and the Need for Regional Solutions

The escalating instability is permanently impeding cooperation between Afghanistan and the countries of Central Asia. However, since regional solutions are required in light of the international forces’ impending withdrawal, long-term chances may arise. Due to their supply-driven nature and short-term focus on stability in peace and development, the many stabilization techniques and programs developed in the past had shortcomings. As a result, the creation of capable and representative regional teams made up of the military, police, and citizens is the greatest policy that can have long-term benefits. Each team from regions such as Kabul, Kunduz, Paktia and Nangahar will be assigned to all the centers of gravity where more attention should be concentrated to promote collaborative consultation with local authorities. Henceforth, making of sound decision regarding security with the nation. Leaders of different teams should be adequately vetted and are trusted professionals in governance appointed by an existing President in consultation with an international community. An observer group that can comprise of representatives from PRTs, UNAMA, civil society actors and critical donors will help in ensuring the effectiveness of the program and the conduct of the team established.

Formulation of Realistic Strategies for the Improvement of Ordinary Afghans’ Standards of Living

Formation of regional teams will help in formulation of realistic and implementable strategies that focus on the five-year increments to enhance improvement of ordinary Afghans standards of living (Kassenova, 2014). Leaders from the major urban cities, vital regional areas that are along the border and drug trafficking corridors should aim at ensuring equitable distribution of resources. This step helps in overcoming criticism of the government and international community by citizens on uneven delivery of aid and implementation of the community-level development projects. The team members across a country will make sure that there are endless education and capacity building to boost the emotional and physical well-being of both adults and youths. Afterward, contributing to the improvement of the security situation in Afghanistan.

The Cooperation between Military, Police, and Civilians

The cooperation between military, police and civilians will facilitate tracking and understanding of the Taliban expansionist activities and plans especially at borders with Central Asian states. Furthermore, there will be a reduction in drug-trafficking due to adequate information provided by counter-terrorist experts within the group focusing on implementing appropriate strategies on security issues. As a result, there will be an enhanced involvement of Central Asian countries in the transportation of necessary supplies such as infrastructure and military equipment that support NATO and US operations that curb insecurity in Afghanistan. The contemporary security challenges require representation of all the ethnic and religious communities that can promote the international military exercises (Kassenova, 2014). Henceforth, building new partnerships through the established competent and representative regional teams. Also, this policy promotes communication between different departments of governance and therefore avoiding conflicting statements that can create confusion, lack of confidence and mistrust between the international community and the government. The teams are tasked with making sure that everything publicized through the media and public outreach activities aim at strict adherence to transparency and accountability particularly in security surveys, delivery of the block grants and the establishment of shuras. The program will require political will and relevant resources to meet expectations of Afghans including security and food.


Kassenova, N. (2014). Relations between Afghanistan and the Central Asian States after 2014 Incentives, Constraints and Prospects. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Retrieved on December 21, 2017,

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