Advertising Plan for Talent Plus Company

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The advertising plan is for an existing business, Talent Plus Company, a firm that offers human resources consultancy. The plan includes;

Client’s description: States the principal business activities for the company, and its location.

Business objectives: Describes the goals that the firm needs to attain in the long run.

Talent Plus Inc. target customers: Stipulates the potential clients that the enterprise aims to bring on board for business continuity.

Services description. Gives a brief narration of the services the business offers into a more categorical perspective. For instance, Frontline, professional, senior leader, and cultural development services.

Advertising objectives: Spells out the goals of the advertising campaigns.

Advertising budget: This part shows the intended cash that the firm has/ must set aside to advertise (total cost of advertising).

Type of advertising. This section indicates the best chosen/preferred advertising channels. For instance, social media advertising (Facebook and LinkedIn).

Launching the advertisement campaigns: Stipulates when its best for Talent Plus Inc. to start its advertising campaigns in line with the chosen type of advertisement.

The overall advertising expected benefits: This part of the plan indicates the expected benefits from the promotion campaigns. This helps to determine whether the advertising type used is viable or not.

Advertising script/ad sample.

The whole purpose for this integrated advertising plan is to obtain market awareness in the US and globally and to prepare workable advertisements. It’s significant for every business to have an advertising plan since it helps in plotting the promotional strategies of the company ahead of time. Besides, the plan acts as a map to lead a firm towards its goals and to stay focused and organized throughout.

Client Description

My client is Talent Plus, a small sized company offering consultancy services in human resources, with its offices at Lincoln, Nebraska-USA. The firm identifies individuals with the potential for near-perfect performance so customers can wise sought decisions in the choosing and growth of their workforce. The business was inaugurated in 1989 and is a globally acknowledged HR consulting entity with 116-249 employees, 400 clients and in 20 nations fostering interviews in different languages. Talent Plus designed interviews, and online assessments are known to be of the highest levels of integrity and scientific diligence. More than 6 million assessments and interviews and lots of research studies carried out by the firm have manifested compelling relationships between the results of the interview and the business results. This has made many clients to opt for their services, hence the global recognition (“” n.p).

Talent Plus Business Objectives

Talent Plus Company has a set of business objectives that it endeavors to achieve on a daily basis. These objectives are;

To build and maintain high-performing cultures via talent selection, analytics, and advancement.

To be a thrilling place for colleagues, partners, and acquaintances to work.

To be an exciting place for customers to execute business.

To be a potent citizen to have in any society (”” n.p).

The company has globally built each facet of their culture from its conception by implementing their tools, just like the ones they offer to their client, to select each of their employees. This assists them consciously build their culture, and hire high energetic, confident, caring, hard-working, and value-oriented associates who will help the company achieve its objectives. The company’s vision statement is centered on its objectives. The vision statement is, ”To be the leading partner in building and sustaining high-performing and fully-engaged cultures through talent selection, development, and analytics” (”” n.p).

Talent Plus Target Customers

Talent Plus being a human resource consultancy firm, it targets customers who primarily seek for recruitment services of their probable employees. These include organizations within and outside the USA who offer various services such as healthcare, retail, hospitality, automotive, education, consumer products, manufacturing, government, and financial services among others. It is important to note that human resources consulting entail a couple of functions including resume and cover writing services to potential candidates, but Talent Plus Inc. has segmented itself to offer recruitment services to its pool of customers and probable clients in the future.

Thus, the company has segmented its customers majorly on the basis of recruitment services (Wedel and Wagner 40). These are customers who prefer to contract recruiting agents carry out the hiring process on their behalf. The institution targets large corporations (both for profit and not for profit) who are too busy to implement the hiring process internally like the US government and manufacturing firms within the US.

In most occasions, these manufacturing firms seek the help of Talent Plus Inc. to undertake the recruitment process on their behalf to ensure that they comply with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regulations and the US Employment Act when it comes to hiring employees. The government too, which is a target client for Talent Plus Company often seeks recruitment services for its probable employees. It does this to specifically avoid instances of biases, racism, ethnicity, and corruption during the hiring process (Wedel and Wagner 42).

It is thus prudent for Talent Plus Inc. to well segment its target customer on the basis of the core services it offers and on what its recognized for in the market worldwide. For instance, to provide recruitment services to aspiring organizations and government institutions across the US and globally. This will help the company win the confidence of most of its target clients, hence make a business out of it. 

Talent Plus Services Description

            Talent Plus Inc. as a human resources consultancy firm offers a variety of services to her customers globally. It provides services such as selection, recruitment, employee talent management, workforce development, employee engagement, coaching talent-based organizations in fostering relationship management. To better offer its services to the customers, the company has categorized its services into four broad categories; Frontline, manager/professional, senior leader and cultural development. These groups are referred to as solutions all which revolve around the core function of recruitment (”” n.p).

Frontline Services/ Solutions

These services involve selecting top-performing front line workforce through interviews and online assessments. After that, the services are designed for development programs to maximize its customer’s growth latent at every level, including its associates (”” n.p).

Manager/Professional Services

            Here, the company offers a solution by choosing the excellent talents for the benefit of the individual and his enterprise. It does this by implementing the development tools built on selection to ensure that the managers of the organizations seeking its services gain more knowledge concerning their strength and understanding on how to sway those forces for their team members to be able to meet the firm’s goals, hence being more productive (”” n.p).

Senior Leader Services

            Again, Talent Plus Inc. selects senior leaders on behalf of an organization by providing world-class companies a competitive advantage in the hunt for and choosing of superior managers. These services, foster relationships with the persons and entities they lead and also to the external environment in which their firms operate (”” n.p).

Cultural Development Services

            Talent Plus Company does end its services immediately upon recruiting the best candidate for its customers. It further offers employee engagement services which ensure a controlled, scientific diagnosis to understand further the environmental and cultural elements that yield morale, service, and orientation (”” n.p).

Therefore, the above solutions describe Talent Plus services it offers to her clients in line with its core business of hiring for other companies. 

Talent Plus Inc. Advertising Objectives

Like any other growing company in the world, Talent Plus Inc. advertises for its services globally. It’s prudent for a firm to first identify its aim for advertising, for it to be able to lay down its advertising objectives. This enables an organization to precisely channel its advertisement to the right target market as well as plan for its adverts budget (Moriarty et al. 21).

Talent Plus Company has established several advertising objectives as discussed below;

To create awareness: The firm intends to ensure that all its potential customers are aware of its existence, and the services they offer. This will assist them to get more clients, hence improved business (Moriarty et al. 22).

To enhance brand image: An organization with a recognized brand image tends to win the confidence of its existing and potential clients. For the current customers, they tend to stick to repeatedly seek for its services while the potential clients will think of Talent Plus Inc. any time they require human resources consultancy services (Moriarty et al. 22).

To correct false/negative impressions and misinformation: At times, due to competition, market rivalries may spread false perceptions and negative information regarding the rival company. Thus, Talent Plus Inc. advertises to dilute such situations by ensuring that their customer, both existing and probable, are fed with the right information, hence accurate impressions of what the firm is all about (Moriarty et al. 23).

To build familiarity and easy recognition: This ensures that potential clients are familiar with the firm. Besides, the company enhances its recognition worldwide.

To combat competition: Many other firms are offering the same services as Talent Plus. Thus, one of the best ways to offset competition is through intensive marketing (Moriarty et al. 22).

Advertising objectives ensure that the company’s aim of near-term sales is realized. The effects might not be felt instantly, but in the long run. Thus, it is wise for the company to stick to an advertisement program and even budget for the same.

Talent Plus Inc. Potential Advertising Budget

A company’s advertising budget is the cash that it sets aside to cater for its promotional activities. At Talent Plus Company, the advertising budget is used for marketing the services to current and potential clients. This includes cash for carrying out advertisement research, designing creative ads, printing materials, payment for media adverts, and ensuring decent execution of ad campaigns (Tyagi and Arun 210).

The best advertising budget method for Talent Inc. is the objective/task method. This is because the purpose of the company advertisement is to aim at near-term sales. Besides, this is the most used method of budgeting in the United States; hence many people are familiar with it. The method involves three steps; defining advertising objectives, strategy determination, and cost estimation.

The advertising manager develops programs meant to achieve the set specific and quantitative advertising objective. For instance, one of the goals for Talent Plus Inc. is to enhance brand image, hence enable the company increase sales by 25%. Thus, the advertising manager’s responsibility will be to determine which approach will work best, the media to use, how often, and how long the ads must run. The total estimated cost of the entire program forms the basis of the advertising budget (Tyagi and Arun 211). Below is a simple budget for the Talent Plus Company showing the various expenses incurred in the advertisement.

Item Description

Annual Cost

Cost of creating media ads


Costs of designing flyers


Printing costs


Fees for paying the media


Advertising research expenses


Total Expenses


Table 1: Talent Plus Inc. Advertising Budget

However, it is critical for one to consider the company’s overall financial position when formulating the advertisement budget. The advantages of the task method are that it enables firms to think regarding goals accomplishments and that it’s adaptable to the evolving market conditions. However, it is difficult to establish in advance the cash needed to achieve a particular objective.

Type of Advertising to Use and Why

            The best type of advertising to use for Talent Plus Inc. is social media. It involves creating and describing ads presented to social media network users. Social media ads are any paid content on social media platforms. For Talent Plus Company, the options range from one-off promoted Facebook post or LinkedIn to a full-scale campaign with crucial budgets affixed.

            Social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) are the best-preferred advertising bet for talent Plus Inc. because they don’t need remarkable lead time to generate returns on investments. Besides, social media produce results all through, and they keep transpiring over time, and it consumes little effort and time (Quesenberry 25). Also, basing on the firm’s advertising objectives of creating awareness, enhancing brand image, increasing familiarity, averting competition and wiping out false impression, social media seems the best type of advertising to use since it reaches many people within a short period.

When to Launch Your Advertising

            To know when to start your advertising on social media, a perfect understanding of the audience behavior is necessary. For instance, knowing when your purchasers are online can help get utmost engagements from the audience. Thus, for the Talent Plus Company, the best time to launch the advertising campaigns is when there is high traffic in the social media platforms, i.e., Facebook and LinkedIn (Quesenberry 30). Even if the campaign is robust, it will not get the aspired eyeballs on your ads if executed when the traffic is low.

The Expected Benefits

            Social media advertising is an essential way for businesses to reach clients and prospects. For Talent Plus, this will yield remarkable success, build loyal brand advocates and generating sales and leads. Besides, it will assist to increase website traffic, enhancing interactions and communications with prime audiences, improving brand awareness and identity (Quesenberry 33).

Sample of a Facebook Ad

            Talent Plus Inc. opts to use social media as an advertising channel. Thus, for this assignment, I will try to create a Facebook ad sample for the business.


          For optimum benefits from the ads, it’s advisable that Talent Plus open a Facebook page to facilitate the running of the ads. Below is a sample of a Facebook ad that the firm intends to use in its advertising.

          A good Facebook ad according to Quesenberry (41) should possess the below characteristics:

It must be visual.

It must be relevant.

It incorporates an enticing value crop.

It has a precise call-to-action.

When creating a Facebook ad, first you must establish the most suitable editor between the Ads Manager and the Power Editor. Ads Manager best fits most businesses. Second, choose an objective. The Ads manager is built with your promotion objective in mind; thus it prompts you to select your aim for the campaign. By choosing a goal, you will be giving Facebook a precise notion of what you intend to do, thus presents you with the best-suited options. Thirdly, determine your audience and set your budget. Facebook provides advertisers with the opportunity to choose either a daily, weekly, monthly and annually or lifetime budget. The choice depends with the amount available for advertising (Quesenberry 54). Then finally you create the ad, as shown above.

Work Cited

”About Us”:, 2018.

[Accessed                   on 22 January 2018]

Moriarty, Sandra, et al. Advertising: Principles and practice. Pearson Australia, 2014.

Quesenberry, Keith A. Social Media Strategy: Marketing and Advertising in the Consumer                    Revolution. , 2016. Internet resource.

Tyagi, C L, and Arun Kumar. Advertising Management. New Delhi: Atlantic, 2004. Print.

Wedel, Michel, and Wagner A. Kamakura. Market segmentation: Conceptual and                                     methodological foundations. Vol. 8. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.

August 04, 2023


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