About the nursing profession

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The nursing profession is a respectable one in the healthcare industry. A nurse is supposed to care for her or his patients, and the true dignity of nursing originates from providing the greatest care to the best of one’s capacity. It is realized by an understanding and proper application of nursing principles and standards such as nursing theories, an appreciation of historical nursing figures, nursing regulatory bodies such as the ANA, pertinent legislation such as the NPA, and even the code of ethics. All of which are covered further below (Cherry & Jacob, 2014). Dr. Madeline Leininger is the nursing theorist who has influenced my nursing values and goals.Dr. Madeline Leininger’s theory is “the theory of cultural care diversity and universality (Cherry, B.,& Jacob, S.2014).”This approach focuses on embracing different cultures and religion which is essential in providing the four concepts of care, caring, health, and nursing (2014).I have a great appreciation and insight for Dr. Madeline Leininger’s theory because I am bilingual and bicultural. I practice respect and equality for my patients who have diverse culture, background, language, and religion. My heritage allows me to discern the moral sense and ethical values of my patient care. This theory encapsulates my value system and fosters my duty as a caregiver (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

This theory embodies respect for beliefs and practices of contrasting ethnicities, cultures and practices that empower excellent nursing care. Without this ethical and moral value, proper nursing care could be derailed and obstructed causing detrimental consequences to the outcome of the patient and family. As a professional, nurses take an oath to protect, be free of bias and to do no harm to our patients. If this theory is practiced among all nurses, then this will strengthen excellent nursing practices throughout the world (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

I live in a multicultural state where the patient clientele consists of Native Americans, Hispanics, African-Americans and European decedents. I recognize and appreciate the diversity of culture, language, and religion in my community. It is important to be non-judgmental and not to impose our values as the clinician. By doing so, nurses and professionals will significantly increase communication and impact the healing process of the patient and the family (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

Historical Nursing Figures

Perhaps as the most obvious answer, Florence Nightingale is one of the two historical nursing figures who have inspired my nursing practice. Florence Nightingale is known as the founder and pioneer of professional nursing. She is well-known for improved sanitation in India; she enhanced the public health system in Great Britain; she is responsible for the creation of organized training for the nursing profession (p. 1. 2014). Florence Nightingale inspired my nursing practice by her compassion, ingenuity and her commitment by establishing this into a nursing profession. Florence Nightingale has provided the blueprint for creating nursing education which has evolved into this profession of which I am proud to engage (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

The second historical nursing figure who has inspired my nursing practice is Sojourner Truth. She, too, was a pioneer of nursing by advocating for human rights, clean and sanitary conditions because she realized that those circumstances would improve the patients’ overall positive outcome (2014 p 9). Sojourner Truth has inspired my nursing practice because of her challenging life story as a slave and by believing in justice and equality in the treatment of human beings (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

These hardy pioneers have influenced my nursing practice by exhibiting enough courage to overcome diversity and inequality. They continue to affect my nursing career by providing an ethical and moral compass which has raised my consciousness to provide the best nursing care for the sick. They empower me to acquire more knowledge and reasoning which I apply in my nursing practice. Although there are many prominent pioneers in the field of nursing, I have chosen these women for their advocacy of education and quality of care (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

State Board of Nursing and the American Nurses Association

The State Board of Nursing is an agency used by the government to regulate nursing. Regulation of Nurses is important as they provide essential services to the general public and can be of harm to the public if practiced by someone who is incompetent. Thus the state board of nursing’s primary function is regulatory in nature. The board holds licensed nurses accountable and protects the citizens of that state, regulating practices and receiving complaints and disciplining nurses where necessary. The American Nurses Association, on the other hand, is a national organization which encourages safe working conditions for nurses and is a proponent for health care issues that influence the public and the nurses. The ANA’s function is thus to advocate for nurses (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

These two associations regulate and protect the nursing profession and the public. I, as a nurse, know that I have rules and regulations to follow to keep my patients safe and out of harm’s way. These organizations hold nurses accountable for their actions. If a nurse is negligent or abusive to a patient, then this must be investigated. The investigation starts in the nurse’s facility of care to established reasoning. If it is determined, then the service may need to report to the Board of Nursing the abuse or neglect of the nurse’s actions. It is not to merely threaten the nurse, but rather protect the public. These organizations are meant to uphold ethical standards (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

The American Nurses Association

Nurses are required to renew their license periodically as required by law. A permit is essential as it allows members of the public to identify who a competent nurse is. Nurses that fail to renew their license and still practice, do so in contravention of both the BON’s rules and the federal laws of most states. For the longest time nurses were expected to get a new license if they were to practice in a new state, however, Now nurses holding a licensure that is compact are allowed to practice beyond state lines as long as the other state is a small state, one is required to reside in a compact state. From the preceding, it is clear that if a state is a non-compact state, the nurse is required to apply for a new license under that state’s current law and guidelines set out by the BON (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

Patient advocacy

The American nurses association in their definition of who a nurse states that amongst other roles played by a nurse, she or he is an advocate of the care of patients, families’ communities and the population. Provision three of the Code of Ethics reiterates that a nurse’s role is to promote the health, safety, and rights of the patient. It is thus integral to me as part of my nursing profession that advocacy is one of my most essential duties and involves being accepting of the diversity of culture, opinion and the right that a patient has in deciding what suits they live. Thus there is a great importance in setting aside personal or bias opinion and being an active advocate for patients. However part of advocacy involves ensuring that the patient has the right and best information regarding treatment even though he or she may opt for alternative therapy (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

Nurse practice act

As mentioned earlier different states have different laws and regulations for nurses, put differently they have different nurse practice acts. These laws regulate issues like licensing, the set requirements for one to be a nurse and even social media rules for nurses. In Ohio for example, nurses must complete a 24 hour approved continuing education course every two years to maintain licensure while in California the hourly requirement for licensure renewal is 30 hours. The similarities in the two states; among others is a candidate must pass a criminal background check, pass the national council licensure exams and have graduated from a state-approved nursing program (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

Registered nurses (RNs) usually have a higher educational level than Licensed practicing nurses. RNs usually have two-year degrees or three-year diplomas and work in hospitals while LPNs usually have one-year course certificates. They can work in providing care for long-term care patients. They usually work under the supervision of Registered Nurses. RNs are also responsible for assigning unlicensed assertive personnel in everyday personal care activities and supervise their job. The scope of RNs in Texas does not include acts of medical diagnosis (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

Delegation is when a licensed nurse transfers the performance of a task to an unlicensed person. In Ohio, a licensed nurse may only delegate to an unlicensed person with regards to over the counter medication for skin improvement or O.T.C eye drop or foot treatment (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

The American Nurse Association

Provision three of the code of ethics states that a nurse promotes, advocates for the rights and safety of the patient and delivery five states that a nurse has same duties to self as to others to improve health and security. These provisions have influenced my nursing practice, I have an appreciation of patients diversity in culture and opinion because of proving three, and I have learned to put aside my personal bias (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

During my clinical practice, safety is critical. Security measures include ensuring that I have the right protective attire always. I once made a nursing error by not double checking that my gloves were ok and didn’t have a tear. The ANA’s code of ethics provision 5 can be applied in the above error as a nurse has a duty not only to other patients but also his or herself to promote health. This provision remedies nursing errors like the one stated above (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

Leadership and Nursing

A competent nurse is also supposed to be a leader. Leadership involves exercising proper, fast and efficient decision making, taking a right and most suitable action to remedy the situation as the may occur and being an effective advocate for your patient(Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

These leadership skills are necessary a nurse’s role is diverse. A nurse is expected to be a source of comfort and provide the best care for the patient at the bedside. He or she is also supposed to be a team player within the nursing circles and also exercise proficiency within the interdisciplinary team. It can only be realized by being applying the above skills advocating for the patient, liaising with the other nurses for the best decision making and always taking a right and best action that is in line with and promotes the code of ethics (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).

My organization leads by example of how a skilled nurse should be. It structures teaches leadership and respect of hierarchy and everyday tasks promote better decision making and proficiency (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).


Being a multi-cultural and bilingual student; I have a unique appreciation of the nursing profession. The theories of inclusivity and non-bias that marry with the code of ethics and advocacy are influential to my business and help promote a level of professionalism. I have a great appreciation and understanding of the regulatory bodies and the regulations themselves and know that it is my primal duty as a nurse to promote and follow them (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).


Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. R. (2017). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, & management.

May 10, 2023

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