About reflective teaching

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Reflective Teaching

Reflective teaching is a strategy that can be used to consider, assess, and monitor student behavior and comprehension in a classroom setting. It also highlights how rapidly students pick up on and comprehend course content. This is consistent with the student’s description, which claims that it is a process by which a teacher evaluates their instructional strategies. I commend the student for explaining his grasp of reflective teaching in the simplest terms possible based on the description they supplied (Murray, 2015). It conveys in plain language that the learner has grasped the idea of reflective teaching. The student also demonstrates a deep comprehension of the concept by offering suggestions for how to make it better. Similarly, the student demonstrates the difference between reflective teaching and other teaching methods with detailed explanation. He states that reflective teaching is intended on helping the teachers in improving their teaching methods while other types of education are aimed at helping the student to gain skill (Murray, 2015). The explanation provides the main difference between the reflective teaching and other teaching methods in simple words that are easily understood even by people who are English as their second language.

Effective Implementation of Reflective Teaching

Additionally, the student shows the significant utilization of the concept of reflective teaching by explaining how future educators can improve the reflective teaching. He also describes the tactics that can contribute to effective implementation of reflective teaching in a classroom. The student states that teachers should understand that students come from different backgrounds and have different needs (Murray, 2015). Further, he acknowledges that reflective teaching is not a one-man job and it needs the contribution of all stakeholders in the industry to make the idea successful. The student clearly brings out the concept of reflective teaching, the difference with other teaching ideas, and utilization in a classroom effectively.


Murray, E. (2015). Improving teaching through collaborative reflective teaching cycles. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 7(3), 23-29.

February 09, 2023

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