About public schools

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A public school is one that is supported and run by the government at the expense of the citizens of a particular area or nation. However, some public schools levied fees on the parents. Governmental organizations are in charge of formulating and enforcing policies (Gross, 2000). A high literacy rate is necessary for functioning communities. Lack of education reduces one’s ability to contribute to society’s welfare. The underlying idea that any school that helps pupils grasp reading, writing, and other educational necessary subjects is furthering public aims has been criticized by educational philosophers, according to Tyack (2003). They have pushed for social ideals to be promoted in public schools. Public schools produce students with most academic skills that currently have high demand by employers and also the skills needed if industries adopted flexible production ways. In Florida, e.g., students from public schools score greater than those from private schools who score relatively less. Public education does a better job of educating many children. However, public schools are rarely held accountable for under-educated students (Gross, 2000). These schools have the ability to ignore issues from parents or anybody they don’t receive funds. There is no concept of customer satisfaction since the children won’t realize that they are under-educated until they go to college or workplace.

Though public education funding has doubled since 1965, many states have decreased their spending on education. Less amount of money has improved academic performances; these funds have gone to e.g. nutritional programs and education of persons with disabilities. Regular students do not benefit from special educational resources. Ten percent of the increased costs go to lunch and breakfast programs (Gross, 2000). Nutrition is a necessity for learning, providing meals improves academic achievements. Principals have no involvement to cut cost or increase revenues. Since there is no public outrage, wastage of funds. Despite the increase in regular education funding, there is progress in reducing school dropout rates, improve attendance of students, and encourage more students in doing other academic fields (Rothstein, 2003). The United States is the wealthiest and has the best-educated people, yet there is a lot of economic inequality, substance abuse, and a violent death has studied by the Horace Mann League. Bias affects children’s’ performance negatively.

Bureaucracy stifles creativity, and school administrations do consume few funds given by the government, they do this to prevent discrimination, fraud, favoritism, and to maintain academic standards (Tyack, 2003). Teachers are poorly paid, and the deploying best of the teachers to the less challenging schools, compared to those working in other occupations. Society forces are exerting a lot of influence on the direction of education, therefore, pressuring school administrators to make institutional changes. Many educational leaders believe that bureaucratically organized education system lack some desirable traits which are in a dynamic system an example is the willing to change its structure (Rothstein, 2002).

Decentralization mostly addresses wicked problems. Public schools are required to answer to school boards, and politicians of whom have their agendas which are weakening education system. Schools are forced to deal with thoughts of a state legislature, judicially and other government bodies (Tyack, 2003). Putting up the difference between the state and schools will be beneficial that is; by politicians not interfering with education and giving that power to parents and teachers, this will improve accountability (Gross, 2000). Decentralization should risk corruption to stimulate creativity e.g. a principal who selects candidates without looking at their credentials, will discriminate when hiring personnel. There is restriction of flexibility by centralized schools, the hiring of people well known by an individual has seen as obvious in schools years ago. To avoid this, hiring in schools civil service rules were created.

There is the need for incremental reforms in schools such as improving evaluation and training of teachers and emphasize on conceptual and verbal skills. Students in public school receive one size fit prescriptions for education. All students take the same class that is; students who need extra help and smart ones. Brilliant teachers are not given a chance to excel because they should follow plans that have been laid out. The performance shows most teachers are competent. Achievement of improved outcome when the teaching force is dedicated, prepared, and creative. Therefore the students and society are the ones to suffer from this arrangement.


Public schools should improve community perspective; reforms should be made on resources to improve productivity. Equalize funding in all schools between the wealthy and poor where students attend school without the necessary equipment. Reduced class size yields high academic results. Restriction in schools with large groups and many disadvantaged children. Improve teachers’ salaries will motivate them to be competitive (Gross, 2000). Better wages will improve the ability of an institution to attract high qualified graduates. A national prenatal health program provision to babies gives them a healthy start in life that would improve their academic performance (Rothstein, 2002). Parents’ involvement in student’s progress is also essential.


Gross, M. L. (2000). The conspiracy of ignorance: The failure of American public schools. Harper Collins.

Rothstein, R. (2002). Out of balance: Our understanding of how schools affect society and how society affects schools. Chicago: Spencer Foundation.

Tyack, D. B. (2003). Seeking common ground: Public schools in a diverse society. Harvard University Press.

February 09, 2023

Education Government

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