about organizational communication

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Administrative Reforms and Organizational Change

Administrative reforms include attempts to turn agents, especially managers and experts, in order to introduce new practices that are essential to the company. The most important control strategy that businesses use to make changes to an organisation is actual coordination about the changes. Communication entails mobilizing workers and persuading them to resist reform. Employee cooperation is crucial in an organization, particularly during the transition phase, because change happens through the actual actions of the employees (Brockner & Higgins, 2001). Today, managers need to introduce change and assist them to implement the change by themselves. The primary role of the managers is, therefore, to communicate the change of an organization, while on the other hand the role of the employees is to adapt to the changes of the company successfully.

Creativity and Innovation in Organizations

In every organization, the creativity of the employees and innovation are also some essentials that result in the success of the team, especially during the period of economic confusion. The innovation and engagement of the employees have some clear connections according to a survey done in the year 2010 (Kira, Van & Balkin, 2010). From the study, it is essential for a manager to maintain some open dialogue between the management and the employees. Dialogue is critical to an organization communication strategy because it assists insufficient motivation of the employees. A manager should always allow the employees to bring their ideas to the process of making some critical decisions in an organization (Kira, Van & Balkin, 2010). It is also essential to encourage communication between various departments in an organization. Communications between the members of an organization allow creative solution for issues to occur. The organizational units that fail to communicate are likely to blame their fellows when an issue arises.

Communication, Change, and Job Crafting

Companies need to embrace constant change today. Although the scientists and the practitioners agree that the change in the organization through communication is the primary efficient strategy to improve, then it is the employees need to adjust to the modification. The firms have little knowledge about how the transformation of communication assists the employees to engage in proactive change in an organization. From the present study, employees have to participate in job crafting as the first communication strategy behavior for the employees so as to seek some career resources. They also need to do so as to reduce some job demands and find career encounters since these act as the tools used by the workers to respond to and cope up with the implementation of the changes in an organization. From this study, it is necessary to incorporate the regulatory emphasis theory in proposing the basis of the prevention and promotion regulatory focus to emphasize the respond of the employees towards the change of the organization through the use of the job crafting conduct (Kira, Van & Balkin, 2010). It is, however, uncertain that the Job Crafting idea can enhance or can hinder the adjustment of change. The hindrance can either occur through adaptivity or work engagement.

The Role of Communication in Organizational Change

To get some solution towards the study, there was testing of some hypothesis with the use of some latent change score investigative approach through the three-wave longitudinal strategy among 354 police officers. From the findings, it is clear that acceptable communication is connected to improved job crafting behavior for advancement focused on the employees. On the other hand, the small change in communication is associated with the improved work crafting a response for the inhibition that is targeted at the employees. Summing up, one can associate the seeking of resources in an organization towards the active engagement of employees’ work. Seeking of challenges can be positively connected with adaptivity. The reduction of demands can negatively be associated with the engagement of work. The findings from the investigation assist in bringing together regulatory focus, organizational change, and job crafting. The implication of the management is quite necessary because it helps in translating the intervention of a particular workplace which can be proposed to the managers and the organization.


Brockner, J., & Higgins, E. T. 2001. Regulatory focus theory: Implications for the study of emotions at work. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86 35-66.

Kira, M., Van Eijnatten, F. M., & Balkin, D. B. 2010. Crafting sustainable work: Development of personal resources. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 23: 616-632.

Van den Heuvel, M., Demerouti, E., Bakker, A. B., & Schaufeli, W. B. 2013. Adapting to change: The value of change information and meaning-making. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83: 11-21.

January 05, 2023

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Goals Workforce

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