About organizational change

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Organizational transformation refers to a deliberate initiative to enhance a company’s operations with the goal of completing more work more effectively to serve its market. People are the main focus. The true shift occurs once employees understand how a new methodology, procedure, or even technology increases their productivity.

In Upper Limit Aviation, a new program called MSD 365 that is more effective and efficient is being presented. It is necessary to integrate the staff and educate them on how this software functions in order to successfully implement this change and provide the students with improved services. The project design, software implementation, and new equipment installation are the , implementing software and installing new computer networks in Salt Lake City for improved academic purposes.

Change Process

The first step in the transition stage will be to change the state of the employees from being unready to being ready and willing to change. There will be need to make the employees feel the urgency of change. This will be done by teaching them the need for engaging in feedback with the clients and how it increases productivity. Since people are fearful of change due to the uncertainty, support will be offered to the employees through training, coaching and expecting mistakes as part of the change process (Poole, M., & Van de Ven, A. (2004). .

Using roles models and allowing the employees to develop their own solutions when faced with difficulties will also help to make the changes. Finally after accepting the change, people will form new relationships with these changes and make them their norm. This will help the Upper Limit management team perform better in training and educating the students and on top of that in management of finances.


We live in a world where change is inevitable with the new initiatives, technology improvements and staying ahead of competition, all these come together forcing organizations to change (Poole, M., & Van de Ven, A. (2004). .


Poole, M., & Van de Ven, A. (2004). Handbook of organizational change and innovation. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

February 01, 2023


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