About Live Text

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From a broad standpoint, the education system has undergone numerous changes with the goal of giving pupils a well-rounded education. Analysis of curriculum, teaching and learning processes, assessment techniques, and educational technology is common, with the emphasis being on the aims and purposes of an educational system (Lumpkin, 2012). The LiveText is one of the educational innovations that has played and continues to play a key part in enhancing the abilities of both teachers and students.

A U.S.-based e-portfolio browser known as The LiveText concentrates on the evaluation of data related to student performance. The assessment tool was developed in 1997 and has long since been used in more than five hundred universities and colleges to maintain the competencies of their students (Lumpkin, 2012). The tool can be described to be a system of assessment that is designed with the purpose of seizing moments taking place in the learning environment. The process allows both educational institutions and learners to perceive growth, critically evaluate their learning experiences in addition to making improvements for the purpose of gaining from the learning experience. LiveText is mostly used in colleges for the purposes of issuing the first certification programs such that the competency of students is tracked down from an individual perspective. In other words, it tracks down the performance of students through the assessment of data. The view is that the tool allows the maintenance of eligibility in certification and degree courses for the programs that have been approved by the state (Lumpkin, 2012).

When it comes to individuals who are legible to possess the LiveText, every student is expected to have a LiveText account for any programs such that competency is evaluated as part of the tests (Oh-Young et al., 2011). The requirement does not vary in regards to the intentions of students enrolling for programs, but rather all students are advised to have the accounts. An incomplete portfolio does not limit an individual as the tool includes all courses even those that are connected to competencies that are based on portfolio. The tool brings into perspective the assessment of critical assignments in all courses that are linked electronically to the competency of students.

When it comes to the programs affected by the need for LiveText, any course that requires initial certification is expected to employ the use of the tool for all students. The involved institutions include elementary education, elementary education and certification, every secondary education program, curriculum and instruction, curriculum and instruction and certification, counselor education school counselors, reading education, exceptional student education and educational leadership school leaders. The perspective is that as long as a program is in line with the accreditation requirements, then it is expected that the competency of its students is assessed using LiveText (Oh-Young et al., 2011).

One reason for using LiveText is that it allows an individual to assess his or her competency during his or her degree program, monitor one’s performance in addition to abiding by the acceptance of a program in a single section (Oh-Young et al., 2011). It also allows one to put to use a file manager such that one can store and handle external files in a single, convenient and secure location. Another significant reason for using LiveText is that it allows one to make a shift from awareness of sites used for social networking to a site that focuses on school work by employing communication strategies. Last but not least, LiveText allows one to conveniently get ready for several automated portfolios for the purpose of sharing with teachers, fellow students in addition to future employers (Oh-Young et al., 2011). LiveText engages both the teachers and the students such that they work together in enabling the students to remain competent in their various programs while at the same time keeping their instruction strategies in check. It also entails guides on course assignments, submission assessments, YouTube video on LiveText assignment, the guide on video assessment and a guide on the e-portfolio of learners. The feature is quite easy to use as both students and instructors are guided on how to navigate through the features in addition to video tutorials. It also entails special features such as sound for students that are visually impaired and hence convenient for any user. It also includes a link where students and faculties can gain support in case of issues in their accounts (Oh-Young et al., 2011).

As stated earlier, the LiveText is among the advancements in education that has and is still playing a significant role in improving the competencies of both instructors and learners. Its benefits include allowing an individual to assess his or her competency during his or her degree program, monitor one’s performance in addition to abiding by the acceptance of a program in a single section, enabling one to put to use a file manager. This allows one to make a shift from awareness of sites used for social networking to a site that focuses on school work by employing communication strategies and enables one to conveniently get ready for several automated portfolios for the purpose of sharing with others.


Lumpkin, P. A. (2012). Exploring LiveText as a technological and accountability innovation in a college of education. Distance Learning, 9(4), 17.

Oh-Young, C., Filler, J., Baxter, C., Krasch, D., & O’Hara, K. (2011). Integrating LiveText into a college of education: Thoughts, experiences, and recommendations. In E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, 43(1), 1591-1596.

February 09, 2023

Education Psychology

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