A Formative Assessment

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Regardless of the kids’ limitations

Learning requires a clearly planned and analytically supervised approach that will help the students achieve successful objectives. The instructional strategies and tools used in the classroom should be created to assist children with special needs in achieving a level of independence both within and outside of the classroom. The education plan should show how the knowledge and skills will be acquired by the students with special needs. A teacher will give the students an exam as part of an informative assessment to determine their level of understanding based on their performance at the conclusion of the term. The school’s grading method is used to grade the students in accordance with the percentages earned. All topics covered over the term will be evaluated. The assessment involves the determination of the present situation and needs of the learner, as well as the definition of the ending aim of the learning instruction (Panadero & Jonsson, 2013). Regular assessments allow the tutors to understand the students’ needs.

Learners are supposed to be encouraged

To identify new ideas that will boost their knowledge and interactions. The curation practice is crucial in understanding various class assignments. In some institutions, learners are required to create online mentors. Availability of mentors increases the level of engagement and assistance available to the students. Furthermore, the assessment promotes student inquiry through private sessions to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the respective in understanding instructional standards. Students have different capacities; hence, the teacher will have challenges while trying to understand the needs of every student. It is also anticipated that some students dislike the subject in totality. It is, thus, necessary for the educator to use instructional designs that will improve likeability and learning outcomes. The approach helps to develop instructional experiences that make attainment of knowledge and expertise more efficient, valuable, and interesting (Calfee, Wilson, Flannery, & Kapinus, 2014).

The main drawbacks in the formative assessment

Include the poor engagement of the parents or guardians who play a crucial role in the attainment of learning instructions. Some evaluation criteria fail to recognize the special needs students. Besides, the formative assessment is labor intensive and time-consuming. In large classes, for example, it is difficult for a teacher to provide feedback to all students. There is also reduced level of accountability.

In conclusion, through continuous interaction with the learners

The teachers can reduce the misunderstanding while allowing the students to make self-reflections on important matters in the learning process. Instructional adjustments are necessary to conform to the changing needs and interests. It is important that consideration on self-awareness and regular assessments address the specific requirements of the students.

Course Learning Outcomes Evidence Self-Reflection

1. Assess learner-teacher interaction Gauging the nature and usefulness of the relationship This helps in ascertaining the significance of the relationship of the teachers and learners towards the realization educational outcomes.

2. Performance tasks Assessment on the level of knowledge gained through completion of the class activities Some tasks provide a platform for relating learner by adjusting and responding to professional requirements, values and experiences.

3. Group assessment Assessment on the contribution and motivation levels within groups Through clubs, it is easier to implement assessment solutions through testing it and putting it into practice as well as institutionalizing it within the groups to facilitate learning.


Calfee, R., Wilson, K. M., Flannery, B., & Kapinus, B. A. (2014). Formative Assessment for the Common Core Literacy Standards. Teachers College Record, 116(11), n11.

Panadero, E., & Jonsson, A. (2013). The use of scoring rubrics for formative assessment purposes revisited: A review. Educational Research Review, 9, 129-144.

February 09, 2023

Education Business Life

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